Listening Programs

Listening / Auditory Program

Integrated Listening System

The Integrated Listening System (“iLS”) programs integrate music, movement and language exercises for the purpose of improving brain function. iLs programs are designed to be fun, and may be used on their own or in conjunction with other methods. iLS is a psychoacoustic therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Ron Minson, and based on the pioneering work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, using the most advanced technology available.

The ability to listen and differentiate between sounds affects cortical stimulation and nerve pathways related to the following areas:

  • Organization, modulation and attention
  • Speech and language skills
  • Cognitive development
  • Learning and academics
  • Movement, coordination and rhythm
  • Socialization
  • Creativity and personal growth

While iLS programs are available primarily in our clinic, we also can offer an iLS home program that integrates movement with music and that has four preset protocols.

We customize each iLS-based program to a child’s needs, and we support it with home programs, sensory diets and therapeutic services tailored specifically for each child. The result is auditory re-education, which can facilitate remarkable progress toward a child’s targeted functions.

We are able to make foundation level changes due to the various nerves that are stimulated via the auditory system. It is through these nerves and the many interconnections at the brainstem level that we are able to create new pathways which affect many different areas of function.

Program Information

About the Music

The music is specially treated classical music. Throughout the programming there will be different types of music with the intention of focusing on specific areas of development. Some examples are listed below: 

Full Spectrum Music and Zone 1 (the Body)

Full spectrum music and the “zone 1- the body zone” (0-750Hz) or the “sensory integration band widths” use low-pass filters. Low pass filters are used on the music to allow specific frequency bands to be heard. The music sounds low and full as the higher frequencies are not allowed to pass through the filter and therefore they are not heard. This type of music focuses on the body and greatly impacts the vestibular (movement) system which is also housed in the ear. The purpose of this phase is to give your child a strong base of support for making and integrating changes as they progress through the program. These lower frequencies define the feeling of your body in space and are very important to set up the ear for the higher frequencies your child will be listening to later on in the program. This stage varies in length depending on individualized needs. 

Speech and Language Frequencies

Once your child is ready, the program will focus on the speech and language bandwidths (frequencies used during speech). Overall, this phase addresses the ear-voice connection and the energizing effect and experience of hearing one’s own voice. “Expressive Listening” increases our ability to truly listen to one’s self and move into effective dialog and communication with others. When appropriate to their programming, the child speaks, hums, or sings into a microphone and “listens” to their voice through headphones. 


All programs vary according to your child’s individual needs and can vary in length depending upon those needs from 20 sessions to 80 sessions. Most programs are 60 sessions in length and are divided into intervals. Often, Listening sessions are scheduled 2-3 times a week for 60 minutes each session, but each Client will be scheduled according to an individualized schedule. We will do our best to honor your preferences for time periods. 

Activities During Listening

During each session, sensory motor activities will be supervised by an OT certified in iLs and we will set up customized programming. The iLs headsets are worn around the waist, so listeners are free to walk about, play games, or just rest. Specific therapeutic activities designed by occupational therapists may be done during listening. Children usually enjoy “quiet activities” such as crafts, playing with toys, painting, building, etc.. Homework, computers and intense mental activities are discouraged. Please feel free to provide a quick snack and/or games that your child may enjoy quietly.