The success of Sasco River Center has inspired us to find ways to give back to the community. So, in an effort to spread the word about social/emotional development and wellness (and, of course, about us), we are offering complimentary presentations on important topics relevant to our lives. Here are some of the many topics that we would love to bring to your group:
- All Things Sensory
- Supporting Bedtime Struggles
- Feeling Connected in a Disconnected World: How to Help Teens Manage Anxiety & Depression, Build Resilience and Avoid Burnout
- Multidisciplinary and Neuropsychological Evaluations: What you need to know
- The Role of Belonging in Identity Development
- The Impacts of Technology and Social Media Upon Children
- The Amazing Tween Years
- From Head to Toe: Fostering Holistic Development
- So, is it Sensory or is it Behavior?
- Sensational Days
- The Road to Self-Regulation
- Helping Children Cope with Anxiety
- Executive Functions: Skills for Life and Learning
- The Importance of Play
- Proactive Parenting
- More than 5 Senses!
- Teaching children about their hidden sensory systems and how they help them learn
There you will find more detailed descriptions of these great group discussions. We also welcome the opportunity to present to your community on other topics we can develop with you.
For More Information
Please Contact US by Email at or Call Us 203.202.7654
Presentation Descriptions
All Things Sensory
Originally created for schools, this presentation provides a brief overview of sensory processing and how fluctuating arousal levels can impact learning and behavior. Learn how to incorporate vestibular and proprioceptive activities into everyday classroom tasks to help students stay more focused and attentive. This presentation will explain what sensory-based classroom behaviors may look like, and how we can help co-regulate and de-escalate students when they’re overwhelmed and overstimulated.
Supporting Bedtime Struggles
Many parents report that their child struggles getting through the bedtime routine (“I don’t want to brush my teeth, and you can’t make me!”), attempts to break out of their room (“I’m thirsty!” “I’m hungry!” “I need to pee!”) and refuses to sleep anywhere but their parents’ bed (cue parents getting kicked in the face all night). In this presentation, we’ll talk about some of the most common causes of sleep disturbance in children, tried and true sleep hygiene techniques, and for the more challenging cases, evidence-based practices to help children (and parents!) get their beauty rest.
Feeling Connected in a Disconnected World: How to Help Teens Manage Anxiety & Depression, Build Resilience and Avoid Burnout
This presentation covers: what anxiety and depression are, what symptoms to look out for, how anxiety and depression can impact teenagers, and what parents and caregivers can do to help.
Multidisciplinary and Neuropsychological Evaluations: What you need to know
Many have questions over whether a neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation is necessary to help provide clarity and guide educational, psychological, or medical planning. Join us as we overview various types of evaluations and discuss weighing the pros and cons of undergoing testing or starting specific psychological or academic interventions in advance of an evaluation.
The Role of Belonging in Identity Development
All human beings are hard-wired for belonging – in other words, we are social creatures that have brain pathways that are constantly seeking information about whether we are in the presence of other people to whom we have a feeling of connection. As children develop, they proceed through very predictable stages in the formation of their identity, and the child’s sense of belonging strongly predicts how comfortably and securely they grow into their identity. We will discuss what we know about child development as it relates to identity formation and why it is critical for the adults in a child’s life to create environments that reinforce a sense of belonging across multiple dimensions of identity – gender, ethnicity, race, etc. We will look at the emerging literature on ways that disruptions in belonging potentially contribute to social and emotional
challenges, and how a focus upon a broad exposure to and support for acceptance and understanding of multiple identities can lead to strengthening a child’s sense of compassion, empathy, and resilience.
The Impacts of Social Media Upon Children
In the United States, engagement in social media has come to dominate the life of girls more than boys. Despite having more ways to connect to one another than any time in human history, we are experiencing epidemic rises in depression and anxiety, disconnection and non-belonging. This presentation is designed to promote connection, compassion and curiosity between parents and their children. Drawing from the groundbreaking book American Girls by Nancy Jo Sales, this presentation will be eye opening and perhaps shocking. It is an opportunity to learn more about what our children are doing on social media and how to begin conversations with them about it.
The Amazing Tween Years
The years between 10 and 15 years of age result in greater growth in the human brain that at any other time in our life. Our children are experiencing explosive growth in social understanding, executive functions, motor skills, and many other areas that set the stage for success or challenges as an adult. With so much going on, it is no wonder that these years also are fraught with stress, relationship dramas, and school ups and downs. Learn more about what development is taking place, and how you can support and guide your child through this challenging but rewarding stage.
From Head to Toe: Fostering Holistic Development
Our teachers and doctors are well equipped to help us know how our child is developing, and if there are any red flags to make sure your child stays on track. But what can you do to help your child’s development? Learn about how to foster your child’s sensory, social, and physical development and signs to look for if your child may need additional support.
So, is it Sensory or is it Behavior?
One of the questions we always get asked is “are my child’s behavioral challenges due to sensory challenges, or is it just a passing behavior”. This presentation will show how sensory processing is related to observable behaviors, and the sensory “red flags” to be mindful of to know when to seek additional support
for your student/child.
Sensational Days
Did you know we all actually have 8 sensory systems? For the first 2 years of life, children are primarily motivated by sensory experiences and play. Just because they get older, engaging our senses daily is still important. In this presentation learn how to integrate sensory activities into your everyday tasks to help foster your child’s development and help them stay focused and attentive.
The Road to Self-Regulation
Join us as we explore the underlying skills needed to self-regulate and discuss attainable goals to set for yourself and your child along the way. Learn the distinction between self-regulation and co-regulation and why they are both important for raising a healthy and happy child.
Helping Children Cope with Anxiety
Rates of anxiety among children and teens in the United States have been on the rise for years. During the pandemic, these rates of distress amongst our kids experienced a further surge. In fact, a recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control reports that about one in three middle school and high school students in the U.S. is identifying “worry” and “stress” daily, with many meeting criteria for an anxiety disorder. With limited outlets for typical social and physical engagement, the risk of experiencing anxiety increases significantly. Join us to discuss what you can do to help kids cope better.
Executive Functions: Skills for Life and Learning
How do our children independently manage homework, plan ahead for long term projects, and organize materials for their school day? We will discuss how we can:
- Understand “Executive Functioning” skills our children are developing and appropriate expectations at each stage
- Learn concrete tips to use at home to help our children thrive academically, and in life
Proactive Parenting
This workshop boils all of the countless tips on parenting down to the ten, research-based most effective things for parents to keep in mind in guiding their children’s development. The topics are practical, and this lively and playful discussion will give each participant some easy to implement ideas for feeling more in control of their home life
The Importance of Play
When we think of play, we think of fun. Children are naturally drawn to play and it is one of the activities they enjoy most. But when children play, they are also doing important work that aids in their learning about their world and themselves. Not only is play essential in the daily lives of young children; it continues to have a powerful influence throughout childhood. However, time to play can be fleeting in an age where busy schedules have become the norm.
Come join us for a talk about play and its role in the development of communication, social and emotional functioning, motor skills, and intellect. The discussion will also involve ways to incorporate play (both for our children and ourselves) into daily life.
In addition to these presentations we have been working on site with schools to offer workshops with their students (or in a virtual platform if preferred) to support sensory development for an additional fee.
More than 5 Senses! Teaching children about their hidden sensory systems and how they help them learn
Did you know that there are more than 5 senses? Humans actually have 8 well formed senses (Vestibular, Proprioceptive and Interoception) that we don’t usually talk about but are essential to our development, mental health. In this workshop your child will learn about their hidden senses in language that makes sense to them, and how to use them to help them focus, relax and learn at their best.