
Our team of dedicated tutors and coaches offer a range of services to children, adolescents and adults. We understand that each person learns differently, and we create a program that is unique and personalized for each client. We pride ourselves on making meaningful connections with each individual and helping them to grow.

Our coaches and tutors are eager to learn new approaches and strategies.  Coaches and tutors attend classes and workshops to expand their knowledge; this increases collaboration among staff members to help manage the challenges and enhance the learning experience.

Tutoring For Learning Differences

Sasco River Center offers individualized academic tutoring support across a wide range of traditional subject areas, such as:

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • History
  • Science
  • Social Studies

Sasco River Center customizes a learning program that will empower your child with the tools needed for success. Our educators have training in numerous scientifically proven curricula, including the Orton-Gillingham method, to address learning disorders.

Organizational Skills Training

The Sasco River Center offers a basic Organizational Skills Training package to students of all ages to develop crucial academic skills, including the following:

  • Tracking assignments
  • Organizing and managing materials
  • Managing time
  • Scheduling/planning
  • Studying/note-taking

Coaching / Transition Services

Our team of certified coaches assess a person’s strengths that will allow them to navigate challenging transitions in an effective fashion and to find the optimal environment to continue studies or to develop a career.

Many very capable adolescents and young adults struggle in transitioning effectively from high school into college, or from college into the working world.  Our Coaching and Transitions Department helps turn that struggle into an adventure.

Executive Functions Coaching

Executive Functions Coaching provides support to foster independent learning. It is designed for children, teens, college students and adults who have difficulty:

  • Maintaining focus for extended periods,
  • Initiating tasks
  • Remembering oral directions
  • Breaking down large assignments
  • Organizing materials
  • Arranging ideas in writing
  • Planning ahead
  • Anticipating consequences
  • Completing or handing in assignments.

Our team of Executive Functions Coaches work individually with students who exhibit a gap between knowing what they should do and actually following through with it.  We evaluate a student’s level of functioning, and then implement interventions designed to improve emotional, behavioral, and cognitive control by shaping behaviors and helping students develop compensatory skills and strategies.

Student Coaching – High School to College/Trade School/Work

Finding the right college, trade school or job can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack.  Not to worry, we can help!

Student Coaching is a unique coaching focused on high school students:

  • Choosing a college, trade school or job
  • Thinking about a gap year
  • Looking for the right high school or boarding school entering as sophomores
  • Experiencing a change in schools
  • Wanting to develop their executive functioning skills
  • Seeking coping mechanisms to deal with stress, pressure or conflict

Our Specialist Student Coaches will:

  • Help students identify who they are, who they want to be, and the skills they need for their journey.
  • Design an inspirational and collaborative exploration.
  • Transfer meaningful learning to set each student up for their personal success
  • Recognize that personality is as important as academic or athletic capability
  • Provide opportunity to share fears, hopes, dreams and concerns in a safe confidential environment
  • Enable students to take ownership and accountability of their choices and their opportunities.

Career Coaching

Career Coaching helps you develop a career plan and strategy that will help identify strengths, challenges and opportunities. It helps you formulate realistic and achievable expectations.

Career Coaching can help in all phases of your work-life including:

  • Recent graduates who aren’t sure how to get started – how to determine the work they’re best suited for
  • Someone actively working but looking to change jobs or careers, or perhaps find something more fulfilling
  • Individuals looking to reenter the workforce

Your Career Coach can:

  • Help you align your skills, background and aspirations to a rewarding career/profession
  • Work with you to create your story of who you are, what you’re looking to achieve, and how you would bring value to an organization
  • Create a resume that effectively reflects your experience and achievements with an eye to your desired career
  • Refine and improve your interview skills and presence
  • Help you create a strategy for job searches

A Career Coach will effectively guide and support you through these changes, providing you with confidence, insight, encouragement and inspiration.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching builds the awareness needed to take you from where you are, to where you want to be – helping you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life. You determine what’s important, define goals, and make a plan to achieve the desired outcome. Life Coaching is solution-focused.

Life Coaching can help:

  • Build the self-awareness needed to effectively communicate with others
  • Develop a relationship with a teenager
  • Create a new path for an empty-nester 
  • Reinvent yourself after spousal loss or divorce
  • Adapt to move to a new location

Life Coaching provides a structure of support to move you into action and live the life you imagined.

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching inspires Leaders at all levels to make behavioral changes that create a transformation that will improve their professional performance and personal satisfaction and unlock their potential.

Executive Coaching helps leaders:

  • Clarify their personal and organizational goals
  • Build the self-awareness needed to effectively lead and inspire
  • Remove barriers they may have created and take action and attain results
  • Elevate their ‘presence’ to be seen and accepted as a person in authority.

An Executive Coach will provide a confidential and supportive sounding board to their clients. They ask questions, challenge assumptions, provide clarity and resources, and yes, sometimes, with permission, provide advice. They often administer and help interpret 360 tools and behavioral assessments, conduct confidential interviews to help a client gain self-awareness, and establish development goals. Our coaches have extensive experience working with clients at the C-suite level as well as Directors, Managers and independent contributors.

Lumina Spark Personality Assessment Tool

Lumina Spark inspires people to develop the skills most needed today and in the future. It is ideal for high school students as well as for career and life coaching clients. It is a cutting-edge personality assessment tool that reveals your whole personality by measuring 3 personas – underlying, every day, and overextended. It provides a report unique to the individual with an accurate reading of a person’s strengths and developmental areas. The model is simple to understand, yet it contains great depth by directly measuring 72 personality qualities. Lumina is unique and provides your information through an app, so your information is always readily available to you.

Lumina Spark:

  • Increases self-awareness, adaptability and agility
  • Develops a growth mindset
  • Increases ability to lead self and others
  • Enhances working relationships
  • Inspires accountability, personal growth and high performance
  • Improves understanding of how to cope with stress

Our Lumina Specialists administer the tool as follows:

  • A personal phone call to the client explains what Lumina Spark is, how to take the assessment and what to expect in the debrief
  • The client will then be sent an explanatory follow up email with a link to the assessment, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
  • You will then receive your full Lumina Spark Profile Document (40 pages) and an explanatory Workbook
  • Your Lumina Spark Specialist Practitioner will schedule an in person meeting (this can also be done remotely) to debrief you on the details of your Lumina Spark Profile
  • Follow-up coaching can be arranged to dig deeper into the results.

Additional life, career or student coaching is also available.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator shows differing psychological preferences in how people innately perceive the world around them and make decisions. The MBTI instrument sorts for preferences and does not measure trait, ability, or character. MBTI is ideal for clients looking to take an introspective assessment that can help refine and develop the skills needed to further personal and professional goals and aspirations.

MBTI helps you:

  • Understand differences between yourself and others
  • Reduce stress through better understanding and appreciate different strengths
  • Aide career development
  • Assist communication strategies
  • Develop emotional intelligence

Our MBTI Specialists administer the tool as follows:

  • A personal phone call to the client explaining what MBTI is, how to take the assessment and what to expect in the report
  • The client will be sent an explanatory follow up email and an in-person 2 hour meeting will be scheduled.
  • At the meeting the client receives information about the personality types and how they intersect with one another, takes the online assessment, receives their MBTI results, and debriefs the results with the Specialist.
  • Follow-up meetings may be requested and scheduled for more in-depth coaching.

Additional life, career or student coaching is also available.

Education / School Advocacy

Sasco River Center’s education support team will empower you with the information and strategies you need to have productive and positive conversations with your child’s school, help you understand what your child’s educational rights are, and guide you as you work with your child’s education team to structure the best instructional plan for your child. The goal of the Sasco River Team is to support and assist you as you journey through the special education system while maintaining a respectful and collaborative working relationship with your school district team. 

Our services cover:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of your child’s educational file
  • Preparation for eligibility meetings, annual reviews, and other school meetings
  • Attendance and support at Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 meetings
  • Review and suggestions toward the development of Individual Goals and Objectives
  • Assistance in the development of data collection strategies to monitor your child’s progress toward their IEP goals
  • Coaching when requesting evaluations from your child’s school
  • On-going support to ensure your child’s IEP or 504 plan is implemented as designed
  • Formulating letter to your child’s school district
  • Counseling when out-placement is a consideration for your child
  • Guidance during pivotal transitions (PreK to K, Elementary School to Middle and to High School, and beyond)
  • Referrals for legal representation should this level of service becomes a necessary need

The Sasco River Company education support team works with all children and adolescents with special needs regardless of age or disability.


Executive Functions Summer Coaching

Our Executive Functions Summer Coaching team offers the same quality Executive Functions Coaching as during the school year.  During the summer, though, students get the opportunity to focus exclusively on remediation for working memory, task initiation, time management, and the like, without the pressures of tomorrow’s homework or the test at the end of the week.

Foundations & Remediation

Reading Foundations & Remediation

One-on-one meetings with experienced teachers and a flexible schedule and opportunity for partnership with this year’s / next year’s curricular teachers at the school to define measurable goals for your child.

Math Foundations & Remediation

One-on-one meetings with experienced teachers and a flexible schedule and opportunity for partnership with this year’s / next year’s curricular teachers at the school to define measurable goals for your child.

Reverse the “Summer Slide”

Don’t go backwards this summer.  Team up with one of our Learning Coaches to keep your skills fresh.  Did you get summer work assigned?  Not to worry; team up with an SRC Learning Coach and get your assigned summer work started, planned, and completed!

Extended School Year (ESY)

ESY is a Summer Curriculum Remediation / Summer Grade Recover / Summer Course Preview workshop, designed to take advantage of summer break to bolster learning (and still have fun!)

One-on-one curricular tutoring by experienced teachers with collaboration from your child’s school for extended school year, grade recovery, course preview, foundational review, and course review.

Middle-School / High-School Executive Function Workshop

The Sasco River Center offers Executive Functions Study Skills for high school and middle school students towards the end of each summer. The classes will be taught by our Executive Functions Coaches.

Introduction to Executive Function Workshop

A flexible six-session one-on-one workshop with a detailed emphasis on Organization, Planning, Time Management, Memory, and Self-Monitoring through activity-based, experiential learning under the guidance of a professional Learning Services coach.

Get Started Today!